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Spin the yarns you want

When I was a new spinner some four years ago spinning balanced yarn was really just a crap shoot.  When it came out balanced I would ask myself, “How in the world did I do that?”  And when it was over twisted, when my goal was a balanced yarn, again I asked myself , “How in the world did I do that?”

Over the years of spinning I finally got a grip on how twist impacted my finished yarn, especially on plied and core-spun yarns.  Now I only make balanced yarns…oh happy day! 

I made myself a little cheat sheet to tell which way, for example, my base core yarn was spun so I had a balanced yarn in the end.  I even started writing down notes regarding twist, direction and finished yarns.

I thought if this helped me it has got to help other spinners.  So I developed a multi use Eszee Twist Tool© and a 24-page manual and yarn planner guide. 

The Eszee Twist Tool© comes with a plastic card that is a multi function tool;  a wpi gauge, yarn thickness guide, WPI gauge,  angle of twist gauge and a guide to determine if you yarn was spun in the S or Z direction.  You will also get a 24-page manual and yarn planner, a magnifier to be able to see yarns and a zipper pouch to hold the kit and any other goodies like your diz or orifice hook.smaller

The Eszee Twist Tool will be the most indispensible tool in your spinning arsenal.  You can find it at 

Happy Spinning

Mary Egbert



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